You no longer need your WiFi box?

If you no longer need your WiFi box and want the deposit back, you can return the device by parcel post to our address: Bollebergen 2A bus 10, 9052 Zwijnaarde

What information do we need?

To ensure a smooth refund, we ask you to fill in the form.

Send this form digitally by clicking on the send button. You will receive a confirmation e-mail.

To be sure, put a copy of the confirmation in the box, so we always know who owns the device when it is delivered to us.

When do we refund the deposit?

We collect all devices that are returned to us during the month. In the week of the last day, we transfer the deposits back.

If there is a problem with the return, you will receive an email.

Wifiboxes send back in juli and august, will be processed with the boxes delivered in september.